Monday, October 14, 2013

Saturday-Part 2 :)

Heri was so impressed with our gun collection!
In Mexico,you'd be in jail if you were a citizen
with guns like that...

We drove up Ryder Lake to meet up with
the Bench Road that connects to the
back of Cheam.. vibrant Fall colors!!

Chilliwack River was full of salmon
and stunning to behold!!

Jord came along for some 4x4ing..
well probably more for Courtney, but... :)

Some crazy chicks of ours :)

Up at a viewpoint up at Saddle, overlooking 
the GORGEOUS Fraser Valley:

We had a few seconds of snowflakes!!

Group shot:

One cold Mexican :

Two beauties:

Heri was a PRO at taking care of the 
clay pigeons; for someone who isn't used to
shooting, he surprised us all!!

Out came the big guns-hence
the plugging of ears:)

One timid looking hunting dog:)

Set up the big howitzer, but less of a percussion
than expected; we should have brought the right
sized 'ammo' for it...

Pup got a ride in Jord's truck from
then on in...

Soaking in the beauty:

It was towards the end of our trip that we came
to a massive boulder in our way; took us
about 45 minutes of building up a 'ramp'
and digging away at the opposite bank to get
the Dodge through... then we pulled it out of the way..

At times, we had more spectators than
participants in the action :)

I hope to post a Part 1 for Saturday at some point too :)
Have a WONDERFUL week all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful country we live in, hey? MUCH to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day 2013, and that is one of them! And, that, in peace, freedom.... Next time you do a trip like this, I'd LOVE to come along:) NL
