Wednesday, February 27, 2013


..'bitterness' spurns action:)
The girls had to make Almond Puff at school;
they weren't allowed to sample it because
it is for Parent Teachers Conferences...
The smell and sight was just too much to handle!
So, better make it at home then!!! :-)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The new shop TODAY!

Serious paving happening while it is dry:)

Tom checking it out through
the Shipping Door:)

Office area all drywalled:)

Nice big pad out behind the shop

Touching up some edges..

Busy day there today!

A few quick pics...

Kurt and his class had a WONDERFUL
skiing trip @ Silver Star for 3 days:)

Courtney with the Holland Choir gave a performance
to 340ish people last night:)
Good practice for their trip out there in a few weeks!

Very unfortunate accident just around the corner
that claimed the life of an 83 yr old lady... :(

Monday, February 18, 2013

What a week!!!

Flowers from my Secret Friend:)

Tulips and a strawberry smoothie
from my 'not so secret' friend :)

Valentine's present from my Secret Friend
to share with the girls:)

Courtney is now a driver:)

MORE gorgeous flowers..
this time from my sis:)

They look like a posse :)

The girl part of the paintball part
of the birthday party:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another driver in our house:)

Congratulations to our 16 year old!!
She gets home and comments,
'That's actually quite something..
you go in and do a test and you leave and you can DRIVE?'