Monday, October 7, 2013

HERI is here!!!!

Nathan had a surprise up his sleeve and took
me for a wonderful dinner at a phenomenal
setting before picking Heri up!
We spent a few gezellig hours at his Uncle's place
which is 20some floors up in the heart of the city...

We had to wait a LONG time for Heri..
when Mak's phone rang an hour and a bit after
Heri landed, we thought... JUNK. They're sending 
him back!! But the lady asked a lot of questions
and then they released Heri into our care:)
They went through EVERYTHING of his-he
was very nervous..just shaking...poor guy!

Does this look like someone happy to be
in Canada, or WHAT? :)

Dear neighbour Jim had a welcome
sign on our garage door:

This was the first time in his life he wore a tie!
He felt like the BOMB :)
Pictures for his wife:)

It was a GORGEOUS day for a stroll!
We had a delicious lunch at T&K-
he was very happy to reconnect with them again!
I don't think he has ever seen grapes 
like this in someone's yard:)

Big truck? or little Mexican??

He loves the mountains-we hope to
take him shooting up there some day soon
and let him play in the snow:)

Aneira is intrigued with the salmon in the slough:

Heri finds our water VERY COLD!

Neighbour Jim put on a feast for us!
They were very happy to reconnect as well:)
Love this picture-it speaks a 1000 words to us!!!


  1. Wow!! How scary that Heri was almost sent back!!! Very happy it all turned out ok. Welcome Heri! Beauty sunset! Great food too, hey?! NL

  2. What a great post... so exciting for all of you :) Enjoy your time with Heri!
