Friday, March 30, 2012

Busy busy busy... busy I forgot Fran's birthday too!
Quickly after work, I went and bought a cute flower
arrangement for her - hope that'll reciprocate forgiveness:)
Don't they have the cutest ideas nowadays?



Speaking of cute..
the other night at Ladies Aid, Janae helped Katrina
make tissue paper bright Spring coloured poof balls
for the Mother/Daughter Night last night..
aren't they adorable?
She's one crafty lady that Kat Woman:)

And to top it off with one more last 'cute'..
Janae helped me in the church kitchen last night
and she took a few minutes of 'time out' to do one
of the stations with a friend of hers:)
Notice the whistle on her arm?
She was the whistle blower as well..
Enjoy your day people!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chonge jonge...

These two!
I barely dare leave anymore.. never know what sights
and smells I will come home to:)
If teachers and grandparents knew all the hazards involved in preparation for Open House!!! they'd appreciate it all the more:)
Notice the fire extinguisher nearby - Mak is always prepared!
Drill, clamps, Cutco knife abuse, hot glue gun,
candle on fire, extinguisher, nice Dutch hand-doek..
Mense lieve.. wat een bende!

(oops, burnt a little too much.. reprint, re-tea, redo..)

Simply delightful!

To all you Moms out there with young daughters, I advise (at an early age) you foster and develop their creativity and
familiarity with the kitchen..
you will reap the benefits for years!!
I absolutely LOVE how Janae rocks in the culinary department..
Yesterday, she made Chicken Vol-Au-Vent for supper - a
superb blend of puff pastry, chicken, curry, celery, onion,
broth and more.  I say 'she', but when I came
home from picking the other 2 kids up at work, she
had Mak cutting onions, stirring a pan, and he was
her apprentice for once:)
You'd pay to taste this, I promise you:)
(Nathan and I shared one (since we had dinner plans at Fortin's)
before we left..)

Before Bible Study, Nathan and I went for a steak and
chicken BBQ that we'd been invited to as part
of their new product presentation and Open House..
I must admit, we have a very lucky side:)
I won 2 of 3 first Roll Up The Rims, as did Kurt.. 
Remember the awesome binoculars we won in December?
Last night, we pulled in another door prize.. one cool 6 in 1
waterproof safety coat (vest under with sleeveless and
reversible options, etc) as well as a nice shirt and cap..
Always neat to come home with a prize like this!

Monday, March 26, 2012

We started hiking with 10 people..

..but only 8 (plus one canine) went to the top of Vedder Mountain on Saturday.  Due to a few breaks which consisted of ralphing and retching, I turned back with
my sick chick after only 1.5 kms and watched her
sleep on the back seat of the truck.. poor kid. 
Little trooper wanted to try it, but no such luck..
She came back from Alberta the night before,
and despite Gravol, travel seems to often knock her flat..:(
Aneira thoroughly enjoyed it though!
We were at one point wondering WHY,
on that beautiful sunny day of 13 degrees, we would head
up the mountain and hike in SNOW..
but, it was such a gorgeous day and the air was so crisp and
fresh and worth enjoying!

First, Aneira needed some help with getting rid
of her winter fur (could've recoated another animal
with what was all brushed out...:)

Little bit of exploring while waiting for the other
members of our group:

Good thing Mak always comes prepared:

Trees there are incredibly tall!
See Courtney hiking at base of trees?

Lots of mushroom there..
Hope you all had a great weekend!

As the buses are driving by..

I'm watching the belly/front tire of a Honda going up
and down the driveway:(
Backpack on his back, no helmet..
To all you Moms out there with little kids - BE THANKFUL!
Yes, I acknowledge there are heart-stopping, tense moments when
you have toddlers lost in the mall, or when you see them
venture out on the road unattended,
but that is only the BEGINNING!! It gets worse!!
(Well, with boys it does..! I don't see the girls doing this..)
As their age increases, so does their daring and pushing of boundaries;
testing the limit of your bike and
yourself is apparently the 'norm'!
Skill increases as well thankfully, but somewhere at about age
12, I started freaking out because it went from
"Wow, he is really getting good on that thing"
to "BE SAFE! ACT NORMAL! I'm not looking...
my schedule is too busy - I can't take you to emerg today..."
As I pace from the front window muttering,
"I'm not watching him.. I can't handle this"
to the back of the house and then to
the front again to make sure he is okay,
I keep thinking I must be nuts:)

I watched long enough until he left for school with his buddy..
Hopefully peace of mind until tonight, when he hopes to
be on the track:(

Friday, March 23, 2012

The slough view from in a canoe..

..on the way home from work, Mak texted he was thinking of taking the canoe out for a spin with me.  It was a lovely afternoon, and a waste to spend inside, so I wholeheartedly agreed.  We debated for a few minutes whether or not to take Aneira, since she would be incredibly dismayed if we didn't.  We decided against it, however, and had to listen to her cry and call for the first leg of our journey.  Poor dog was just howling from off of the porch..

I couldn't bear hearing her so sad, so for the second half of our canoe trip, she came along.. she LOVED it! Now we were in HER territory!! She didn't like being behind us though, rather be the leader in front:)

After that, we went to the Duke of Dublin in the 'Wack..
It was marvelous!
Quiet, calm and very nice atmosphere..
if you're ever in that (rather sketchy) end of town,
pop in and give them a try! You might be surprised:)
The BLACK SATIN wings are worth trying IF
you enjoy the taste of Canton's sauce dipped in sesame seeds;
no other way to describe the taste:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ahh... Spring Break...

Thanks to the nice weather and temporary lull in booked evenings,
Nathan has the time and desire to continue on his project:)
Last completed on list - welded seat belt brackets to frame..

Think these will keep us safe?
(Little different than regular seatbelts:)

Romi was helping me pay the bills this morning:)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


..for my awesome husband:)
A big 'I love you' after a hard day of work from me to him!
He is a huge fan of Mexican food,
so this'll make his day hopefully!