Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bloomin' beauty:)

Trellis is FULL OF BLOOMS!
Love it:)

Lovely lily loving the sunshine today in the front pond..

Interesting to see the dead tree across the road has life in it!
Obviously some bird poop had seeds in it:)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The end of another season:)

Soccer season, that is!

Nothing like eating pizza at the Awards ceremony:)

The 5 ladies of the team:)

Top team of the league:)
Way to go, you Spaniards!

Before and after..

Before the truck had clutch issues (Saturday):

After the truck had clutch issues(Monday):

Hopefully today his other set of wheels is done..
at least he can get from Point A to Point B on his own again:)

Friday, June 22, 2012


Laura was shinin' up there on the stage:)
Both in looks and academically...
She swept the awards/scholarships/bursaries department!!
She was the Governor General Award recipient as well..


Mr. K. handing out Rotary award and
explaining history and purpose of the same..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kitten post

Right off the bat, I'd like to apologize for the picture quality:)
I don't feel comfortable hauling these little suckers out into the natural sunlight yet, since Romi is quite concerned when any of
them makes a 'peep'.. The lighting
is minimal in the garage, and she moved
them from their home on white blankets to a dark jacket, so not much luck with the focusing on the kittens given their color.  None the less,
I think you will get a glimpse as to how
cute they are!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tap In's Friday night..

A cool little outing with friends!
There are always laughs
when we all get together:)

There was some duelling happening:)

Janae acting 'normal':)

Making sure the score keeper wasn't cheating:)

Big lecture on the biodiversity of the pond
there.. Professor Janae:)

Katrina wasn't sure about the lecture...

But they DO do a wonderful job of upkeep there... very beautiful!

Janae's ball said FLOATER on it, so she had to check out
if it actually did float - it DID!

Seeing the world from a whole other view..