Wednesday, July 10, 2013

meanwhile...back at home...

Nathan built a few roosts outside for
the turkeys outside and they LOVE that:)

Catching the last rays of sunlight:

They find the lettuce from our
garden to be scrumptious!

Sure taking a bit for the leek to take off;
the rest is growing VERY well..

We had a squirrel up in the rafters
of the gazebo; Courtney was jumping and
grabbing it's tail and shrieking like a school girl,
Aneira was crying and intensely in hunting mode,
and I was entertained for about 5 minutes:)

The blooms here are lovely;
Janae keeps bringing home more lilies
for us to enjoy and plant:)

In the pond we have pink and white:

Few more close-ups from Court;
hard to believe they were tiny chicks 8 weeks ago!

We filled the pool Saturday, and the girls
were already swimming it it yesterday!
('Girls' means Aneira, too:)

We have had a few responses from the 
very happy owners of pups from our last litter!
This is Tyson, the Alpha Male-what a beaut, hey?

We had the hunting guide leave a message that the yellow female
he bought from us is the most intelligent, best behaved Lab he has ever had..
and he has had Labs his whole life.. he wants to know if we are
breeding Aneira again,and the next litter he wants
pick-of-the-litter female!!
LOVE hearing how the pups are and how their owners LOVE THEM!!
Nothing better than knowing they went to good homes.... first business card EVER!!
Cool, hey?

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! Not too sure about the dog in pool though.... glad ours have out of bound rules in that department!! lol
    Very nice looking puppy! I just had someone send a picture of one of our yesterday too.... fun!!
