We had another wonderful day!!
We came with bubble blowing stuff
which was a huge hit:)
We had a Vacation Bible School morning;
singing, a Bible story and craft..
Enjoyed by young and old!
Few guys bled rear brakes
of the Suburban while we had VBS..
George (our hired local guy for the construction site)
and Rosa (who works in the kitchen)
Lovely skies today!
Touring the town..
Someone's house burnt down today:/
The entrance to a new 'city' which
was never finished..
Government houses built, but when the gov't
changed hands, all was deserted..
We delivered a food hamper
to a new mom and were priveleged
to hold her beautiful girl!
We delievered food, tracts, Bibles
and kid's stuff to the poor end of town
Supper at a ranch
Fun and games at the ranch:)
Kurt feels differently about horses than his sisters do:)
It was her birthday today!
She lost her mother in the process of
having their third child...
Jordan and his little friend:)
Wow! What an experience! NL