Friday, September 28, 2012

We are very pleased-

1. That they are cleaning out the slough FINALLY!
Cheers to some good canoeing conditions from now on:)

2. That we adopted a cat to replace our Romi!
She was a stray that some lady took in for the past month,
but since she already had two of her own cats in her
little basement suite, she decided to let this one go..
APPARENTLY, she is cuddly and friendly and a real
people person-we have seen nothing of that yet:-/
All we've seen is terrified, anxious, anti-social!
She purrs when you pet her, but stays in a corner in
the laundry room without using her litter box, eating
or drinking so far.. hope she adjusts!  I'm thinking
rehoming an adult cat is much more difficult than
a kitten at this point of the game...
As to a name, we haven't decided yet...
They called her GRAY, which I immediately
changed to GRIS(grease) which
is 'gray' in French.. it might've been grijze gerrit
if it was a male, but...
She looks a LOT like Romi-except gray!

She has very pretty eyes,
but as soon as the camera flashed,
she squinted:)

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